A Solid-Start app to track the bootcamp accounts of League of Legends Worlds 2024 participants
A corporate mental health and wellbeing app
This website! Feel free to look at the source code. The tech stack was chosen for fun.
A quick and easy ephemeral retro board that has some fun features like copy to clipboard for pasting in Confluence, ice breakers known as question time and no data is stored beyond the session.
Digitised the GAF calculators from https://piccc.org.au/resources/Tools.html specfiically the SB-GAF and G-GAFs. The project was built in Go and produced results for real-time calculations in under 100ms TRT
A platform to help brokers and consumers to manage the loan that is being serviced for their mortgage.
A platform to help farmers track the movement and other vital information of their livestock.
Built a UI around the concept of building your own bridesmaid dresses. These dresses had multiple components that would change in compatibility based on other selections in any direction (that is a top half, bottom half, side etc). This solution could render the stiched drawing of the calculated dress in under 100ms with full lazy loading.
Built the initial solution to CyRisk (later called eDNA) which was a cyber security risk assessment platform.